Thursday, October 29, 2009

First Airplane Ride

When we explained to the girls that they will be riding an airplane to Bogota, they both squealed with delight. We thought that it could be a time that could really scare the girls. We went to the store to buy some new notebooks, colored pens, and snacks that they could have on the plane. We took them to the airport, which in Pasto, is small, one plane lands and then we all will get on that same plane and go back to where it came from. I am not sure how many planes land there in a day, but we were there for about two hours and the only plane that landed was ours. At the airport, since we were, American, the officials pulled us aside and then in a ledger notebook wrote our names and passport numbers. At that point we sat down and as you would guess the girls got really tired of waiting, as most people do in the airport. Once the plane landed, their eyes lit up and they watched everyone get off, then we got on. Tatiana sat by the window and I sat in the middle. They ate snacks and looked out the window, and drew in their new notebooks. When we landed they asked what day we will ride in an airplane again. They loved it!


  1. that is good that they were excited about it. flying is awesome. now they can fly with grandpa miller to all the crazy places he travels too. i'm going to suggest he take me a long too. haha. can't wait to have you guys home. : )

  2. That is awesome! Tell them they have a little cousin Emily that can't wait to meet and play with them. I showed her the pictures of Tatiana and Katherine and she said " I get to play with those girls?" I am anxious to see them interact with each other. Love and Prayers Kyle, Mandy, and Emily

  3. This is exciting and I can't wait to see you. Be safe.

  4. That is great that they didn't have a fear and were excited! Oh, Shelby and Megan are getting very excited to see them. Family get togethers will be different from here on out... All in a good way :-)
    Love and Prayers, Wes Kara Shelby and Megan

  5. How exciting Ken and Sheri! You have two girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Can't wait to meet the extended and Official Hochstetler family. Best wishes and very safe travels, but it appears as though you will be traveling more often now that you know the girls are easy travelers. Although I am sure Berlin, Ohio doesn't sound so bad for now!
